Today, on the International Day of Education, we celebrate the men and women who work tirelessly, in the classroom and outside it, to build the next generation of leaders. A nation’s education – and the quality of it – is the surest indicator of its future health. In the last four years, the New Patriotic Party administration embraced this truth and placed education at the centre of its development agenda. The free Senior High School policy has expanded access to many who may not otherwise have had the privilege of secondary education, while improvements to infrastructure at all levels has improved the conditions for teaching and learning.
A new curriculum is now in place that is giving education in this country a new direction and purpose that matches the expectations of the today’s workplace. There is much more to be done and on this day, we have to all dedicate ourselves to the task of ensuring that every Ghanaian child has access to and can experience an education that will make him or her useful to society and themselves. But we have come a fair distance and that should give us confidence that we can complete this journey. Happy International Day of Education to all my colleagues in the sector. Together, we will secure a better future for our children and our nation.
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